Realise huge savings in the future. By replacing your fans.
Ageing fan systems can substantially erode your budget every year, are high maintenance and have high emissions. Simply by modernising your old systems with our energy-efficient fan systems you will be able to save huge amounts of money in operating costs. Are you now also ready to save? Use our free analysis.The solution: modernisation.
By replacing your fans (retrofit) you will
Why replace your fans with Nicotra Gebhardt:
We are the only providers who are able to truly offer the best solution for you. Thanks to the enormous breadth and depth of our product range, we are able to put together a system that is just right for you. An example: As free-running fans are often not the best solution for your clean air technology system, we also have other designs on offer. We compare various options and find the best solution tailored to your needs.
Success stories: These companies save substantial energy costs annually – thanks to fan replacement.
High-tech medical centre with outpatient care:
The requirements of a high-tech medical centre with outpatient care, rehabilitation as well as living and residence were high. Thanks to energy-saving measures in fans and heat recovery, the energy costs in the building technology were reduced by EUR 423,108 annually:
- 8 new fans
- Radial fans with flat belt drive
- Heat recovery rebuild
- Removal of any unnecessary noise mufflers
- Heat recovery piping
- Installation of a frequency converter and electrical wiring work
- Removal of outdoor air dampers and installation of 4 roller doors
- Small systems optimisation

German telecommunications company:
The company procures electricity from renewable energy sources. Measures to increase energy efficiency lower the annual energy costs by EUR 2,628,000 and saved 15,505 tons in CO2.
- Performance-optimised fans
- Adaptation to ambient temperatures
- Regulation as required
- Reduction of volume flows
Our effective energy saver:
Benefits of direct-driven housing ventilators:
- No slippage losses
- More cost-effective operations with EC technology or, optionally, with inverter operation with standard or PM motors
- High system effectiveness also in the partial load range
- Easy maintenance
- Also suitable for higher pressures
- Low noise
- Low space requirement
Benefits of belt-driven fans:
- Extremely high output range for air volumes up to 300,000 m³/h and maximum pressure of up to 3,000 Pa.
- V-belt and flat belt drives available as options
- IE2, IE3 and IE4 motors optionally available
- Low maintenance costs with flat belt drive
- Low slippage losses with flat belt drive
- High system efficiency above all with higher pressures.
- No 2nd filter stage with flat belt drive
Advantages of plug fans:
- Direct drive without slippage
- Very low maintenance required
- Plug and play solution
- Very high system efficiency in the medium pressure range
- Low noise
- Cost-effective
- Optionally available with internal or external control electronics
- Low space requirement
Four steps to modernisation – how a system is optimised:
Basic analysis: Analysis of your system
All the information regarding the task, operating mode and operating costs is collected. This includes performance data such as volume flow, static pressure, nominal current of the motor and running time.
Detailed analysis: Power and other performance measurements
All the required system data are measured and evaluated. The actual figures are documented and target values for the actual use of the building and the clean air technology system are determined.
Calculation of the amortisation period: Economic efficiency calculation based on the analysis.
Offer for the realisation: Irrespective of with or without housing, with flat belt drive or direct drive:
From a range of options, we will supply you with the right fans – precisely matched to your operations and application.
Support in the realisation: Optimisation and refurbishment with simultaneous redesign of the fan drive.
Final measurement
Review of data.
Are you now also ready to save?
Send us your first system data:
With a free analysis, we will show you the optimisation potentials of your clean air technology system.
Download a form here.
Please complete the form and return it to us by fax to: +49 (0) 7942-101199
or by e-mail to [email protected].
We will get back to you!
Are you already familiar with our life cycle cost calculator?
You can find it in our ProSELECTA fan configurator.
Simple and reliable
fan configurator